

Assoc. Prof. Reneta Slavova Gevrenova,PhD
Tel.: (+359-2) 9236-531

Assoc. Prof. Reneta Slavova Gevrenova, has graduated Faculty of Pharmacy, Higher Medical Institute-Sofia in 1985.

In 1991, she started as an Assistant at Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, and since 2013 she is Assoc. Professor.

Her PhD thesis is on scientific specialty „Pharmacognosy and phytochemistry” on topic: “Study of GOTCAB saponins from Gypsophila L. genus (Caryophyllaceae)”.

R. Gevrenova is a Master in Science in „Medicinal plants and Natural Products” at Medical University, Sofia.

In presence, she is Assoc. Professor at Department of Pharmacognosy and participates in the teaching/practice on “Pharmaceutical botany” in Bulgarian and English, and a supervisor of master and PhD thesis. She specializes as a guest professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lorraine – Nancy and University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne – Reims (France).

Her scientific research competence is in the field of pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical botany, medicinal plants, plant metabolomics, liquid chromatography, spectral methods, phytopharmacology.

She is an author of 90 scientific publications, 2 textbook, 500 citations in indexed journals in Scopus of Elsevier.

She is an expert in the field of medicinal plants, phytochemistry, liquid chromatogtaphy, plant metabolomics, phytopharmacology.

She is a supervisor of 6 projects funded by Medical Science Council, MU-Sofia and 1 international project under Bulgaria-France bilateral cooperation. She participates in 17 projects funded by MU-Sofia, 2 projects funded by The Bulgarian National Science Fund and 1 project of the European Commission Directive III (E-1).

Reviewer in scientific journals: Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, Molecules, Plants, Journal of Chromatography, Phytochemical analysis, Phytochemistry Letters, Biomedicines.

Member of the Association for the Medical and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries (AMAPSEC), Bulgarian Botanical Society (BBS), Bulgarian Phytochemical Society, Balkan Medical Union, Bulgarian Scientific Pharmaceutical Society, Bulgarian Society of Nutrition and Dietetics, Bulgarian Toxicology Society, EuroTox

Participant in the Erasmus Program in Nancy (France).

Speaks French, English, and Russian.

Scientific publications:

  1. Gevrenova R, Zengin G, Sinan KI, Yıldıztugay E, Zheleva-Dimitrova D, Picot-Allain C, Mahomoodally MF, Imtara H, Imran M, Dall’Acqua S. UHPLC-MS Characterization and Biological Insights of Different Solvent Extracts of Two Achillea Species ( aleppica and A. santolinoides) from Turkey. Antioxidants 2021; 10: 1180.
  2. Gevrenova R, G Zengin, V Balabanova, Y Voynikov, D Zheleva-Dimitrova. C, O – flavonoid glycosides and oleanane-type bidesmosides from Gypsophila perfoliata L. “tekirae” (Caryophyllaceae): Chemophenetic implications. Biochem Syst Ecol. 2021; 99: 104353.
  3. Gevrenova R, Zheleva-Dimitrova D, Balabanova V, Voynikov Y, Sinan KI, Mahomoodally MF, Zengin G. Integrated phytochemistry, bio-functional potential and multivariate analysis of Tanacetum macrophyllum (Waldst. & Kit.) Sch.Bip. and Telekia speciosa (Schreb.) Baumg. (Asteraceae). Ind Crops Prod. 2020; 155:112817.
  4. Gevrenova R, Zaharieva MM, Kroumov AD, Voutquenne-Nazabadioko L, Zheleva-Dimitrova D, Balabanova V, Hajdenski HM, Konstantinov S. Gypsophila saponins enhance the cytotoxicity of etoposide in HD-MY-Z lymphoma cells. Food Chem Toxicol. 2019; 133: 110777.
  5. Gevrenova R, Bardarov K, Bouguet-Bonnet, S, Voynikov Y, Balabanova V, Zheleva-Dimitrova D, Henry M. A new liquid chromatography-high resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometry-based strategy to characterize Glucuronide Oleanane-type Triterpenoid Carboxylic Acid 3, 28-O-Bidesmosides (GOTCAB) saponins.A case study of Gypsophila glomerata Pall ex M. B. (Caryophyllaceae). J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2018; 159: 567-581.

Scientific projects:

  1. Grant № КП-06-Rila/5/2021, The Bulgarian National Science Fund. Competitions for financial support for bilateral projects – 2021. Evaluation of the anticancer potential of medicinal plant extracts from South-Eastern Еurope by toxicogenomics”. Scientific supervisor Assoc. Prof. R. Gevrenova (Bulgaria).
  2. Grant № № Д-222/2019, Medical Science Council, MU-Sofia. “Stimulating research in areas of excellence – 2018. “Phytopharmacological potential of Asteraceae plants evaluated by chemical and biological profilings”. Scientific supervisor Assoc. Prof. R. Gevrenova.
  3. Grand № Д-76/2018, Medical Science Council, MU-Sofia. “Saponin-mediated enhancement of etoposide cytotoxicity on lymphoma cell line”. Scientific supervisor Assoc. Prof. R. Gevrenova.
  4. Grand №41/2017, Medical Science Council, MU-Sofia. “Gypsophila glomerata Pall ex M.B. (Caryophyllaceae): potential source of bioactive compounds”. Scientific supervisor Assoc. Prof. R. Gevrenova. Award Signum Laudis pro Scientiae Meritis”, 2019 awarded by Medical Science Council, MU-Sofia.
  5. Grand №11C/2016, Medical Science Council, MU-Sofia. “High resolution mass spectrometry-based approach combined with bioinformatic analysys to prove the origin of plant extracts –application in the Portulaca oleracea study”. Scientific supervisor Assoc. Prof. R. Gevrenova.



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