Prof. DSc Irena Kostova graduated from Mendeleev University in Moscow with the highest grade. Appointed as a research scientist at the Research Center of the Ministry of Environment, and since 1994 she has been teaching “General and Inorganic Chemistry” at MU-Sofia. Since 2013 she is a full professor at Chemistry Department. Defended her PhD thesis “Synthesis and characterization of metal complex compounds of coumarin derivatives” and DSc thesis “New complex compounds of lanthanides(III) with biologically active ligands”. Graduated her second specialization “Theoretical bases of medical chemistry” at Medical University-Sofia. Her research interests include the developmental work in theoretical and coordination chemistry, vibrational spectroscopy, pharmacological investigations on biologically active compounds etc. Author of 150 publications with impact factor, 3 textbooks, 4 education book materials, 4 monographs with around 6000 citations in indexed journals in J. Citation Reports of Clarivate, Scopus of Elsevier, Web of Science of Clarivate, Google Scholar. She is a lecturer at renowned universities in India, Germany, Austria, Italy, Romania, Spain, Slovakia etc. Member of the organizing committees of over 20 international conferences. She is an Editor of 6 prestigious international scientific journals, a member of the Editorial Boards of over 25 international scientific journals and a reviewer for numerous high-ranking journals and international projects. She has been a member of the Scientific Experts Panel of Medical Sciences and Chemical Sciences at the National Science Fund of the Ministry of Education and Science. She has created and maintains collaborations with a number of European universities in the framework of joint research projects and European programs. She has been a principal investigator of several national and international projects. Prof. Irena Kostova is one of the World’s Top 1% of scientists according to Elsevier’s and Stanford University’s ranking of scientists with the greatest contribution to the development of modern science.
Faculty of Pharmacy
Dunabe Street №2
Sofia 1000