

Head of the Department

Prof. Dr. Ilina Krasteva, DSc
Tel.: (+359-2) 9236-552

Brief History

The Department of Pharmacognosy is one of the oldest departments related to pharmaceutical education in our country, which began in 1942. Then the specialty of Pharmacy was opened at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Sofia University. In the academic year 1942/1943 the departments of Pharmacognosy with Galenic Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry were founded. In 1951 the department took over the teaching of botany (Assoc. Prof. Stoyu Valev). In 1990, a Laboratory (now a field) in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (Prof. Iliana Ionkova) was opened at the Department. The beginning of inovative pharmacognosy in Bulgaria is set and modern programs for training and research are introduced, unified with the leading European universities. To this day, the Department of Pharmacognosy at the Faculty of Pharmacy MU – Sofia is the only one in the country offering training in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology for students, graduates, postgraduates and PhD students in pharmacy.

The first head of the department is Prof. Dr. Asparuh Boychinov (1946-1966), Prof. Hristo Akhtardzhiev (1966-1983), Prof. Ivan Assenov (1984-1999), Prof. Stefan Nikolov (1999-2015), Prof. Iliana Ionkova (2015- 2023) and Prof. Ilina Krasteva (from November 2023).

The Following Disciplines are Taught in the Department:

  • Pharmaceutical Botany, 2 semesters – II and III course
  • Pharmacognosy – Part I, 2 semesters – III and IV course
  • Pharmacognosy – Part II, 1st semester, 5th year
  • Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 1st semester, 4th year

Postgraduate Training

  • Medicinal plants and phytopharmaceuticals
  • Medicinal plants and herbal work

Laboratories in the Department

Section of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Training laboratories:

  • Two laboratories for macroscopic and microscopic analysis
  • Two laboratories for phytochemical analysis

Scientific laboratories:

  • Scientific laboratory of phytochemistry and analysis of medicinal plants
  • Scientific laboratory for instrumental analysis
  • Scientific laboratory for control and analysis of plant substances and medicinal plants

Laboratories Pharmaceutical biotechnology

  • A training laboratory Pharmaceutical biotechnology
  • Scientific laboratory for in vitro tissue and cell cultures/ bioreactor cultivation
  • Scientific laboratory for nutrient media

Laboratories of spectral analysis:

  • Gas chromatography – mass spectrometry
  • High performance liquid chromatography – mass spectrometry.

Section Pharmaceutical Botany:

  • Two training laboratories in Pharmaceutical Botany;
  • A scientific laboratory for screening of medicinal plants



Faculty of Pharmacy
Dunabe Street №2
Sofia 1000

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