

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emiliya Cherneva
Tel.: (+359-2) 9236-507

Assoc. Prof. Emiliya Cherneva graduated Faculty of Chemistry of University of Plovdiv with Master’s degree in 2003.

From 2011- 2017 she is a Asst. Prof. and since 2018 Assoc. Prof. in Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy of Medical University of Sofia.

She defenced her PhD thesis in a proffesional field 4.2. Chemistry sciences (Organic chemistry). The topic of her PhD thesis is.”Esteramide and diamide of squaric acid- synthesis, preparation and characterization”, under supervision of prof. Tsonko Kolev

She participates in education of students in Organic Chemistry.

The science interests and contributions of Assoc. Prof. Emiliya Cherneva are in the field of Organic and Medical chemistry, Chemistry and spectroscopy of amino acids, Peptides, Proteins, Pt- and Pd- complexes of compounds, containing squareamide and hydantoyn fragments.

Assoc. Prof. Emiliya Cherneva is an author of 35 publications, 1 book for student, and has 133 citation in indexed journals in J. Citation Reports- Clarivate, Scopus Elsevier, Web of science.

Assoc. Prof. Emiliya Cherneva is an expert in the field of Organic synthesis, Vibrational spectroscopy, X-ray analysis.

Reviewer for scientific journals at Springer; Taylor and Francis;  Wiley.

She is leader of 1 and participant in 8 research projects

Scientific publications:

Cherneva, E., Atanasova,M.,  Buyukliev, R., Tomovic, K., Smelcerovic, Z., Bakalova, A., Smelcerovic, A. 3′‐Methyl‐4‐thio‐1H‐tetrahydropyranspiro‐5′‐hydantoin platinum complex as a novel potent anticancer agent and xanthine oxidase inhibitor, Arch Pharm.;353:e2000039; 2020,

Bakalova, A., Buyukliev, R., Cherneva, E. New Pt(II) complexes with 3’-methyl tetrahydro-4H-thiopyranspiro5’-hydantoin: synthesis, theoretical and cytotoxic investigation, Medicinal Chemistry Research, 29:2218–2223; 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s00044-020-02639-9

Smelcerovic, A., Rangelov, M.,  Smelcerovic, Z., Veljkovic, A.,  Cherneva, E., Yancheva, D., Nikolic, G.,Petronijevic,Z., Kocic, G., Two 6-(propan-2-yl)-4-methyl-morpholine-2,5-diones as new non-purine xanthine oxidase inhibitors and anti-inflammatory agents, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 55:493–497, 2013

Smelcerovic, A., Dzodic, P., Pavlovic, V., Cherneva, E., Yancheva, D.,  Cyclodidepsipeptide – a promising scaffold in Medicinal Chemistry, Amino acids 2014; 46: 825-840

Scientific projects:

Contract: № КП-06-Н-39/4, title “Development of novel benzimidazoles with combined antioxidant and antineoplastic activity”, National Science Fund of Bulgaria

Grand 84 /23.04.2019 title: Synthesis, study and elucidation of cytotoxic and xanthine oxidase activity of novel metal complexes with N, O, S-containing organic ligands, Medical University- Sofia, Council of medical science

Grand 51/2016, title: Platinum complexes with mixed amino ligands. Design, synthesis, spectroscopic study, theoretical representation and pharmacological studies”, Medical University- Sofia, Council of medical science



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