Instructions for conducting an internship (pre-diploma practice) in a pharmacy (6 months) for 5th year students
Dear interns, The registration for the pre-graduate internship in pharmacy for the students of the 5th year who have successfully passed all the exams and graduated semesterly begins from 24.02. 2025, Monday.
Each student must choose the desired Pharmacy from the “Public register of pharmacies” below and send an e-mail with the selected pharmacy for the pre-graduate internship to the person responsible for the internship at the Faculty of Pharmacy – Prof. Valentina Petkova, DSc. (vpetkova@pharmfac.
A document (scanned copy) certifying the payment of the semester fee, which should also be confirmed by the Dean’s Office 2 (Secretary), for each student is also mandatory to be attached to the e-mail sent to Prof. Petkova!
Each student will receive by email, a letter certifying the pharmacy in which she/he will conduct a pre-graduate internship, the date of the beginning of the internship, as well as additional instructions regarding the organization, periodic control and certification of the internship in a pharmacy.